Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Lesson 7, a symmetrical lip!

Fashion trends, lesson 7, Tutor, Branka, 19.11.14

A symmetrical lip:

What you’ll need:

  • MAC concealer palette
  • Translucent powder
  • Small flat brush/small angle brush
  • Cotton buds
  • MAC black track eyeliner
  • Vaseline
  • Concealer brush
  • Foundation brush

Step-by-step guide:

  • Use MAC concealer palette to block out cupids bow, use concealer brush to apply.
  • Go over with translucent powder to set.
  • Use flat brush to apply MAC Black Track to upper edges of lips, you are re-creating where the cupids bow should be. 
  • Once you've marked out fill lips in. Keep the line of the bottom lip natural.
  • Apply a small amount of Vaseline over the lip to give a shine.
  • Neaten edges if needed with a cotton bud.

Overview and evaluation of lesson:

I loved this lesson, I feel like my confidence has grown, which has resulted to in me being able to get a cleaner line first time round. 

My first lip I did I was happy with but I felt that the cupids bow should be more prominent and higher. So I went back and changed it, I was glad I did because I think the end result was much better than the first! 
Also I can’t believe the difference a tiny bit of Vaseline made to the lip it made the black look more intense and gave it a nice shine, in comparison to having none at all!

 Overall I'm very happy with my final look, I can definitely see an improvement in my own work, which I'm pleased about!

My model before

The upper lip is just the MAC black track eyeliner, the bottom has a little Vaseline on, the difference in the two is crazy! 

My first result 

My first result close up, I'm happy with the symmetry, but think I could have gone over with more black track to get an intenser colour. Also I feel that as my model has full lips anyway that I needed to make the cupids bow more prominent as its not that different from her actual lip. 

My second result,I think its much better than the first, I feel the cupids bow looks ten times better, so does the black colour, I think both sides and bottom of the lip all look symmetrical. 

Close up of my final lip. If there was one change I'd make its that I do one more layer of the black track around the edge of the lip, to give that the same bold colour as the rest of the lip.

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